Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who Ya With?

V-U!  That's right, folks, the Vanderbilt football team has garnered itself a 3-0 start to the season, and the Berrys are loving it!  Dave and I grew up attending Vandy games with our families, and have spent more hours watching those guys play football and basketball than I care to count.  We've always talked (only half-jokingly) about how being a Vanderbilt fan builds great character and humility in a child, and so, it's only right that we "train up [Evelyn] in the way she should go" (Proverbs via Grandaddy) and take her along to as many games as we can while she is still young and impressionable.  To that end, Evelyn has tailgated with all four of her grandparents and various other friends and relatives before all three home games so far; she hasn't actually entered the stadium yet, but all in good time, right?

 This is Evelyn's idea of pre-gaming it...a football game on TV, some blocks to play with if she gets tired of the commentary, you know, the usual.  But once we get down to our tailgate spot at Vandy, the real fun begins...

 When Ev tailgates, she likes to do things like stack her cups (under the supervision of her father and both her grandfathers)...

 ...commune with nature...

 ...chew on any shakers available...

...and get tailgating tips from her Aunt MC when she's around (note that Aunt MC and Uncle Eddie attended Ole Miss and therefore have a master's degree in tailgating).

Vandy hits the road this weekend to play South Carolina...maybe they'll win, and maybe they won't, but either way, this girl will be back for more.  

P.S. Did you note Ev's Vandy-themed attire AND quilt?  Her ultra-talented godmother made all of these accessories special for her:)

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