Monday, February 28, 2011

A Good Man's Not Always Hard to Find

Take Baby Sam for example.  He stopped by to visit Ev yesterday.  At first, things seemed to be going swimmingly, as they sat next to each other on their mamas' laps, Ev grabbing Sam's feet and sticking them in her mouth, and Sam looking on with a mixture of confusion and patience.  Later, though, things began to unravel....

 When Sam lay down on the floor next to Ev, she burst into tears for no reason (as girls are sometimes prone to do)...

 ...but Sam didn't even blink.  He just nestled his shoulder up to Ev and provided a strong, comforting presence while she freaked out.  

What a guy, right?  He already knows just what to do when his girl falls apart.  Definitely a keeper:)

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