Saturday, December 10, 2011

O Christmas Tree

This little elf went to the Whole Foods parking lot last weekend and picked out a tree (which, by the way, folks, is the best deal going in Nashvegas as far as Christmas trees go)...

...inspected the shutters while Daddy wrestled the tree into a stand...

...and voila!  Six days later, a fully decorated, beautiful tree.  Definitely a little bigger than we had necessarily intended, but we love it.  Yay for Christmas trees!  

P.S. Ready for some retro action?  Here are our Christmas trees (and gratuitous self-timer shots) of years past (take a gander at these, and then look back above at our present tree and note the height differentials):

1 comment:

  1. Oh Em, these pics make me smile! What a beautiful family and tree you have :)
    I can't wait to put my tree up!! I am sad we will be missing your brunch again this year, but I am excited to have my family out here for Christmas.

    much love to you all!
    ps. jason and i have a series of about 30 AWFUL self portraits from christmas two years ago, it's hysterical. (your pics are NOT awful, I was only mentioning this because you mentioned the flash back to self-portrait pics)
